Easy-to-use solutions to help increase your hotel’s revenues, bookings and guest satisfaction.

It’s simple: We made our solutions very easy to use to help you reach new markets and expand your sales, all while enhancing guest satisfaction.

Is your hotel

listed on Airbnb and Vrbo?

Connect your Hotel to Airbnb and Vrbo and see immediate ROI. BnBerry can assist in optimizing listings, managing communication with guests, and enables hoteliers to start seeing new revenues in as little as a few weeks of implementation.

Why Hotels Want to be listed on Airbnb and VRBO

At Host and Keep, we understand that your technology stack is essential to success. That’s why we offer direct integration with the tools you already know and love – DerbySoft, SynXis, Sabre, SiteMinder, and more. That ensures your team members don’t have to jump through hoops to manage channels or complete daily tasks.